Charity concert is scheduled for April 24, 2022
Mandoki Soulmates play with Ukrainian singer.
On March 25, not only music legends like Leslie Mandoki, Randy Brecker, Mike Stern, Tony Carey and Max Merseny performed as part of the “51st Burghausen Jazz Week”, but also the Ukrainian singer Kamaliya.
The Soulmates not only deal with topics such as war and flight, but also address other crises in their songs. Mandoki explains:
“We will only master the global challenges that humanity will face in the next few years – pandemic, financial and economic crises, migration and integration, climate change – across all borders.”

“It’s fitting that Kamaliya does music together with Mandoki: The 69-year-old knows what war means. As a small child, he witnessed the suppression of the popular uprising against the communist regime in his native Hungary in 1956, and fled to Germany in 1976. The return to Burghausen, where he began his musical career at the Jazz Festival in 1976, was “an affair of the heart” for Mandoki.
“I feel for the refugees who are trying to escape the cruelty of this merciless war, so let’s all help together by continuing to do our best to give peace a chance.”
Minister Blume announced a charity concert for the refugees from Ukraine with Mandoki and Kamaliya on April 24 in the Herkulessaal of the Munich Residenz. The Free State has already set up a special scholarship program for twelve Ukrainian artists who have fled to Germany and is also making half a million euros available for art and culture projects related to Ukraine.
During the visit to the Tutzing studio, Bavaria’s Minister of Culture, Markus Blume, also stopped by.

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